4 Items You Should Include in Your Retirement Checklist

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After years of working hard to provide our children and family the sustainable life they need, paying the bills and responsibilities, we all deserve to have a luxurious break. After all, we don’t want to live our life struggling to pay our bills when we get old. It’s time for us to enjoy the leisures of life and sit back, relax, and chill. But how do we ensure that we’re getting the right retirement plan we ever wished?

Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money.Jonathan Clements

In this blog post, we will guide you on checking these four items that you should include in your retirement plan without the interference of unexpected circumstances.

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Figure Out Your Health Insurance

One of the most important and crucial things you should inspect when you retire is your health insurance. For sure, most of us will encounter health problems when we got old (except if you’re living healthy). This is due to the many years of working hard, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle. Usually, when we grow older, that’s when we pay the price of living an unhealthily.

That’s why it’s important to put your health as your number one priority. As such, whatever happens, you’re prepared for anything. The good thing is that health insurances are covered by your insurance plan already. However, just to be more prepared, you can sign up for Medicare. Else, obtain a dedicated health insurance to cover your health expenses.

Figure Out What You Want To Do After Retirement

With your tight schedule, after suddenly vacating, you’d be shocked by the amount of your free time. Instead of being shocked and developing a habit of procrastinating, or doing something unproductive, take a chance to plan what you want to do next.

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Do you like gardening? Do you want to enroll in some cooking or driving class? Perhaps you want to start a business? You can plan ahead to dedicate your time to doing what you want. This is your chance to do the things you were unable to do before. Therefore, don’t waste. Seize this opportunity to fulfill your dreams, passions, and ambitions!

Decide Where You’re Going to Live

When we say retirement, we often associate it with the phrase “where to live.” Since we want to have a beautiful and relaxed life when we retire, we also want our external environment to recreate our current mood and feelings. Surely, you wouldn’t find yourself at peace if you are surrounded by a busy, bustling sounds of urban life, right?

You would want to live in a peaceful place far from the hectic life in an urban community. Therefore, plan for a place to live. Do you want to live near the beach to enjoy the windy breeze, ocean waves, and white sands? Do you want to live close to nature surrounded by thick evergreen trees listening to the sound of the sweet chirping of the birds? Or maybe you want to live in a tropical country to enjoy the sun’s heat? Or maybe you want to live in the chilly winter breeze of the North and enjoy the Northern Lights?

Wherever you want to live, it’s important to plan it out now to achieve it sooner. In fact, it’s better to realize that dream before you retire. The lengthy process of acquiring visa (if you want to live abroad), residence permit, etc, will take up a lot of your time, so start now!

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Take Inventory of Your Assets

The biggest drawback of retiring is that you’ll be cutting your primary source of income (or living). That’s why insurances and pensions emerged to help support your life without working too hard. However, you must keep in mind that these are also perishable. They can help you, yes, but not for a lifetime. As such, it’s important for you to start listing your financial assets. Also, list your debts to help you determine whether you can sustain yourself for another 20 or 30 years.

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