Teenage Health Safety Tips

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When teenagers begin to move from childhood to adulthood, they have to deal with many issues, some of which are related to the changes within their bodies along with their feelings. They also begin thinking about having relationships or getting together with individuals they have never met before.

It is common among youngsters to look forward to exploring their identities with regard to their sexuality and gender identity. They often look for more independence from their families and rely on their friends, who play an important part in their lives. Some may even consider experimenting with alcohol or drugs.

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Growing up can be an exciting period, but it can also bring along plenty of challenges and confusion. Safety issues are easily negotiated by youngsters who understand that they have the support of their families and friends. However, it is essential to understand that youngsters are susceptible to experimenting with risky behaviors despite having received good parenting. Here are some of the issues that teenagers encounter.

“Adolescence is society’s permission slip for combining physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility.” — Terri Apter

Alcohol Abuse 

One drug that is most commonly used throughout the world is alcohol. Research shows that around 40% of youngsters within the group of 12 to 17 have had a full serving of alcohol while 60% of students who are younger had had alcohol at least once. The use of alcohol among youngsters is associated with a number of health risks including:

  • Unsafe or unwanted sex. 
  • Unintended pregnancies. 
  • Accidents and conviction due to DUI
  • Aggressive behavior, which is also accompanied by violence. 
  • Involvement in criminal activities.

Body Image Among Youngsters

Youngsters are at an increased risk of developing a negative body image of themselves when they begin to dislike their looks. The problem can lead to the development of related health issues within the youngsters, which may include:

  • Going on a crash diet leading to malnourishment. 
  • Obesity.
  • The use of steroids to build muscle mass.
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. 

Teenagers And Bullying 

Estimates are available to show that nearly one in six children or more are bullied every few weeks throughout the world. Senior students often bully their younger counterparts for a number of reasons, including:

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  • Their appearance [for example, example obesity and behavior].
  • Cultural, religious or social-economic background.
  • Their sexual orientation and behavior.
  • Just for being a fresh entrant within the school.

Teenagers And Smoking 

There are widespread media campaigns throughout the world against the use of tobacco. Tobacco use is still widespread, especially among young women and men despite a decrease being noticed in the number of youngsters who smoke cigarettes. Smoking tobacco can increase the risk of:

  • Cancers of the lungs, mouth and the throat.
  • Asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • Heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Teenagers And Family Lives 

Youngsters can also have  issues related to family life, which can include:

  • Problems with their relationships with family members. 
  • Violence within the household. 
  • Sexual and emotional abuse. 
  • Separation and divorce.

A change in family circumstances can indeed prove positive for some youngsters. In particular, when there is a conflict within the family, separation may be a good option.

Illicit Drugs And Teenagers 

Youngsters commonly use Marijuana, which is an illicit drug. Statistics prove that youngsters have used marijuana at one time or another before the age of 19. The use of hallucinogens, amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy in small quantities is also common among youngsters aged between 12 and 17. Youngsters most often turn to illicit drugs with the intention of easing depression and anxiety. However, many of them are simply experimenting with the drugs for fun. The percentage of men who are experimenting with illicit drugs is greater that of young women. The incidence among youngsters who are smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol as well as looking forward to trying illicit drugs is higher than youngsters who are staying away from these habits.

Teenagers are Affected by Media 

Media channels such as television, films, online sites and print can also affect youngsters in numerous ways. Some of these include:

  • Exposure them to violence, which is extreme.
  • Promoting information such as being thin is beautiful, which can give rise to problems related to body image.
  • Giving teenagers an impression of the importance of money, status symbols, and consumerism.

Teenagers And Suicide 

Suicide is one of the most common causes of death after car accidents. Research shows that teenage women are prone to attempt suicide as compared to young men. However, the number of males who succeed in their objectives is higher than females.

Teenagers And Sexual Relationships 

When looking forward to negotiating adult relationships, teens need access to comprehensive factual information about sexuality and safety. The issues that teenagers usually face include:

  • Safe sex. 
  • Contraception.
  • Unplanned pregnancies.
  • Cultural definitions of sexual orientation.

Teenagers that are dealing with any of the issues mentioned above must get help from a physician or a community health center. They should never be looked down upon or ignored because help is certainly available for them in order to begin doing better.

“Make no mistake, adolescence is a war. No one gets out unscathed.”– Harlan Coben

Things That Teenagers Are Required To Remember 

They are very vulnerable to begin using tobacco and alcohol.
The likelihood among teenage males being exposed to consuming alcohol, taking drugs or committing suicide is higher than in adolescent women.

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Teenagers are comprehensively in need of factual information about sexuality in order to negotiate adult relationships safely.

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