Struggling to Understand Your Cat’s Behavior? Here’s What You Need to Know

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I think we have all experienced a cat purring, probably a few times in our lives. Most of us think that it’s an obvious sign that a cat is happy and likely having fun but this is not always the case. Purring can easily be identified as the distinct sound that cats make through their throats and it has some kind of vibration to it. This is one of the few cat behaviors that are exhibited from the day they are born and throughout their entire lives. So, many experts think that cats purr to express different emotions such as joy, stress, or any needs. Purring is also a coping mechanism for cats to calm themselves down because scientists have seen cats start purring as they go into labor. Next time, before you jump to any conclusions and think your cat is being joyful, it might be trying to tell you that there’s a problem. You should look out for any other signs or see if your cat needs anything, to get to the root of the purring.


Animals can be highly intuitive and are able to express their needs using a lot of ways. For instance, almost all animals have distinct vocals that they rely on to either ask for help, scare away any predators or look for shelter. But cats are special creatures who possess amazing vocalization skills. They are able to have entire conversations with humans using meows and you’re able to interpret it, by reading their body language. If a cat is hungry, it will keep meowing to attract attention and find a source of food. However, when a cat is looking for affection, they tend to produce stretched and cute meows, while they try to rub their heads against your body. Meowing starts as soon as a kitten is brought to life and uses it to get the mother’s attention and be fed. Many cats don’t only meow to convey a message, but also hiss and wail to get their point across.


Cats have many heightened senses, but their sense of smell is quite impressive. They use their noses to assess their environment and look out for any signs of danger. They will sniff out specific areas before they choose a place to relax. However, another way the cats are able to distinguish between situations is by looking for familiar smells. Your cat will likely smell your face and store your scent in its memory and use it to recognize you in the future. That’s why most pet cats are able to tell immediately if their owners were around any other cats. Because cats are territorial, they will try to leave their signature scent to claim a person or a space. Many cats are not fond of strong smells and will try to avoid them as much as possible, this is why if there’s a recent change in your surroundings, your cat’s behavior will change as well.

Showing the Belly

People have long believed that cats are independent creatures who value their personal space a lot. This might be true for some of them, but a lot of the cats don’t mind being vulnerable around the people they trust. For instance, if a cat likes you, it will ask for affection and follow you around everywhere. But cats use another great way to be welcoming and that’s lying on their backs and exposing their stomachs. Since, the stomach area is the most sensitive area for them, if a cat sees you and presents her stomach in front of you, then you have been chosen. This means that the cat feels totally secure around you and wants you to rub their tummy. However, rubbing a cat’s stomach is something you should never try unless you get clear signs from the cat. The chances of the cat attacking you with their paws and trying to bite you are quite high because none of them like having their stomachs pet, unless asked for.

Strange Sleeping Positions

Cats can be really adorable, but their weird sleeping positions make them seem like the most innocent creatures in the world. You can either find them curled in a ball or sleeping on their backs as if they’re just like humans. When they’re in a ball position, it means that they’re relaxed and have their guard down. When they’re younger, they like cuddling with their owners and getting up on their laps or chest. They like your body warmth and it’s a great way for them to feel comfortable most of them will likely spend the entire night on your chest. If you’re a pet owner, you should pay close attention to the sleeping positions of your cat because it will give you a clue about their well-being. Most cats like quiet and secluded areas so if you ever have trouble finding your cat, it’s possible they found a sweet spot and are hiding from the rest of the world while they take a nap.


Cats absolutely love scratching anything their find and even though, it might seem annoying to the people around them, but there are just trying to take care of themselves. Just like many of their other grooming habits, cats like to keep their claws sharp and maintained by scratching them against different surfaces. If you’re facing problems with a cat who keeps scratching your favorite couch and ripping stuff apart, you should invest in a scratching post. These cat toys are designed in the perfect way to relieve the pent-up energy they have and keep their claws in shape. Most of them pick a few spots and mark them as their own by releasing their scent through their paw glands. That’s why you will often see a cat scratching the same place again and again.


Cats love being private and hiding from the rest of the world. They don’t like loud noises or people so most of the time, your cat will try to stay alone so they have the perfect environment to take a nap. They feel overwhelmed when there’s a lot of commotion around them, so most cats tend to hide in weird spaces when they’re feeling stressed. This is a quite common occurrence and many owners get scared thinking their cat got out of the house and is lost somewhere but your cat is probably sleeping curled somewhere. They don’t like to be found when they’re hiding and choose to feel protected so they won’t come out unless they want to. However, if your cat is regularly hiding, it might be a warning sign of some sickness. You should keep an eye on your beloved cat if she stops eating and drinking as well.


People think that usually if an animal bites you, it means they’re showing aggression and want to hurt you. But cats don’t think like this, in fact, they often bite their owners to express their affection. So, you shouldn’t be quick to judge and associate your cat’s biting with something negative. It’s possible that your cat is just being playful and wants to nibble you slightly because they see it as a way to bond with you. However, just like many other cat behaviors, biting can also sometimes be a sign that your cat feels distressed or scared. A cat might resort to biting your finger or any other surface to release any pent-up frustrations. If you’re having a problem with this behavior, there are many training exercises you can do to stop your cat from biting you. This will teach your cat that they shouldn’t be biting anything unless it’s playtime.

Bringing Gifts

Dogs are known for their impressive fetching habit, but cats take this behavior up a notch. You can buy your cats all kinds of toys, but they will still choose weird things to play with. There’s no specific reason behind this, other than the fact that they like to play with whatever they want. You won’t be able to have much control over this as cats don’t like being bossed around. Many cats will find random objects outside and bring them to their owners as a token of appreciation. This is a very old habit that’s been present in all kinds of predators, so your cat might think it’s out hunting and won’t relax until it finally has captured the target. Cats use this behavior to bring gifts for their owners and it’s just a way for them to show you that they love you. These adorable little hunters are just doing something that it’s been in their nature since the beginning of time so just go along with it!

Showing Love

If you talk to any dog person, they would tell you all the million reasons why they prefer dogs over cats. One of the most common explanations they have is that dogs are loving, caring, and extremely loyal. Whether, cats, on the other hand, are totally independent and just want to keep being fed. You might have believed this notion for the longest time, but it can’t be far from the truth. Cats do love being unbothered but they also love to show their affection, whenever they feel like it. However, cats don’t like it when they’re being smothered so you should let them come to you on their own terms. Cats show their love by rubbing their heads against your body and purring around you. Some of them will even stare at you for long periods and blink at you to show that they care. So, the next time a cat headbutts you or rubs against you, it means that the cat just wants to be petted and cuddled.

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Seeking Attention

Cats love being the center of attention and being the boss of any place they’re at. They love getting attention so much, but only when they want to. If you go up to a cat and start petting it without any warning, chances are that the cat will hate you for it. This is because cats like getting everything on their own terms. They will go to extreme lengths to get your attention and will get up on your lap, no matter how busy you are. Cats will start following you around and won’t rest until you pet them and give them your undivided attention. You should have a proper schedule made for your cat so you can have daily playtime because they have a lot of energy they need to spend. If you don’t keep this attention-seeking behavior under check, your cat won’t let you get anything done.

Displaying Agitation

Animals also have a range of emotions just like us and you can’t expect the same behavior all the time. Although cats are considered to be more calm and cool than other animals, they can feel frustrated too. You might have seen cats being on their own and doing whatever they want, but when a cat is agitated, they make sure everyone around them knows. There might be a sudden change in their environment or they sense some danger, that’s why they get anxious and even aggressive. A cat might start hissing, growling, or making loud meowing noises when they experience an unfavorable emotion. It might be because they feel hungry or they’re trying to tell their owners that something is wrong. You might hear them wailing and crying loud at night because the cat might be hurt or feels sick. It’s a good idea to keep your distance if a cat is showing aggression, but you should visit the vet to make sure there’s no physical illness.

Saying Hello

Sure, cats are recognized due to their meows, but not each meow has the same message. Most common meow sounds are made when the cat feels hungry or wants something from you. However, if the meow is constant and keeps getting louder and louder, it might mean that there’s something else going on. When you hear high-pitched sounds and the cat is trying to rub against you, it might be trying to say “hello”. Cats have a very distinct way of approaching people and will only say hi to you if they want to play or be petted. If a cat is being friendly, you will usually find them trying to get in your lap and trying to cuddle with you. The most typical way that a cat will greet you is by letting out short and cute meows while they stare at you with longing.


Many researchers have been observing all the different behaviors of cats and finding out the reasons behind them. You might think that every behavior exhibited by your cat needs a response but that’s not true. Cats are creatures of habit and sometimes, it’s okay to just let them be. They can’t communicate with us with words but sure do tell their story by using many other ways. However, sometimes you might not be able to tell when a cat is trying to talk to you. For instance, stretching is a very common behavior seen in all cats but did you know the reason behind it? Well, cats stretch to show that they feel secure around you and they appreciate your company. Sure, they might be stretching just to get their body back in shape after a long nap but all cats feel instantly better whenever they stretch their muscles as it brings them joy and relaxes them.

Enjoying Catnip A Lot

Watching a cat become obsessed with catnip is always an entertaining thing but there’s a reason why they’re so attracted to it. This is because there’s a substance called nepetalactone found in the leaves of catnip. This oil is the reason why your cat suddenly gets so much energy and starts going crazy. This substance directly affects the pheromone receptors of your cat and makes it behave like the cat’s in heat. So, your cat might be all over the place and displaying weird gestures. Your cat might sniff the catnip and get so excited that you think there might be something wrong. But that’s not the case and it’s just the effect of the catnip. It makes them happier and more relaxed but some cats end up becoming hyperactive and they might even turn aggressive. It all depends on your cat so if you think she had an unusual reaction to catnip, you should give it to her again.

Sneaking up on People

Like we said before, all cats have a hidden hunter inside of them and it’s all because of their ancestors. All these felines have natural instincts and like preying on random objects. But one of the reasons why a cat is so good at it is because they can be sneaky without anyone ever finding out. Their lightweight paws are just like feathers and don’t make any sound when a cat is planning an attack. They have an amazing ability to hide and not be found until they want to. So, this is why you can often find your cat just secretly watching your every move or sneaking up on you. Cats also love playing so they might hide and then quickly run after touching you because this is their way of inviting you to play hide and seek with them.

Lifting their Bum

Do you want to know what’s the perfect way to pet a cat without bothering her? Well, it’s quite easy because cats will usually show you when they are enjoying your cuddles. A great sign is when a cat raises her butt when you’re petting her. This shows that they like all the attention they’re getting from you and you’re hitting all the right spots. Don’t think of it as something insulting because cats only raise their butts when they’re relaxed and happy. Most of the nerve endings of a cat are present around the neck, head, and chin. So, you can become friends with a cat by petting their heads and it will start rubbing itself against you. The next thing a cat does is raise its butt to give you a signal that you should keep going because they’re enjoying the little cuddling session.

However, if you own a female cat and she’s unspayed, your cat might raise her butt when she’s in heat. But this is no sign of concern so there’s nothing for you to worry about. But it’s another thing if your cat likes going outside because she might be pregnant and you will soon welcome a litter of kittens in your house.

Jumping and Landing

We often see cats jumping from high heights and landing perfectly without a single scratch. That’s because their body and muscles are designed in a way to protect themselves against any falls or accidents. Cats are very flexible creatures and they can get into any area without any trouble. Your cat will never be scared to jump at anything and this can often cause a mess. Since they don’t care where they jump and it’s all done for fun, your cat might be jumping on kitchen shelves and dropping anything in their way. Cats have very sturdy back muscles and which allows them to climb anywhere. Their spines are strong and they can even fix their posture before they ever land on the floor. This is why you will often see your cat going crazy and jumping up and down and they’re great at maintaining their balance, no matter what happens.

Ignoring You

Dog owners are used to their dogs running to them at any type of command and will be waiting for you all day. But cats are entirely different creatures and no matter how much you train them, at the end of the day, they’re going to follow their own heart. So, next time when you keep calling out for your cat but hear no response, you should know it’s completely normal. Cats don’t feel the need to respond to your commands because they’re stubborn and do what they want. Cats have a short temper and loud, sudden noises can make them feel annoyed so your cat will likely stay put when you call her. You shouldn’t yell at your cat or show you’re mad because they will remember this behavior and keep their distance from you. But your cat being cold and aloof is nothing concerning and the more you go after her, the more it will annoy her.

Licking or Chewing Plastic

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You might find your cat chasing random objects and trying to bite them but this is just a way for them to be playful. Young kittens are more likely to chew and bite plastic because they have more energy and feel more excited. Cats also love playing with tiny objects and they will keep these things and think of them as toys. You might find random hair bands and bottle caps all over your house because cats end up stealing anything they like, just to play with it. Cats are quite fond of anything chewy like plastic because the texture relaxes them. You should not get worried if you find your cat nibbling away at a plastic object, because it’s a completely harmless behavior. They enjoy the taste and feel of plastic and the sound it makes is very entertaining for them.

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