Top 10 Funniest Pictures Captured by Google Street View

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Google Street View is a feature within Google Maps and allows visitors to view maps at 360° horizontal and 290° vertical panoramic views. The service was launched on May 25, 2007 and is increasingly expanding to other cities. The countries that are currently supported on Street View include United States, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. Here is a list of the top 10 Funniest Pictures by Google Street View images:

Checkout and Enjoy these top 10 Funniest Pictures

Thank God his bike has a Seat

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Woman adjusting her Bra in the Store Reflection

The guy without a shield doesn’t stand a chance.

OMG, kid, turn around. No, seriously, turn around right now!

It’s always a good idea to secure your dinosaur before traveling with it.

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It’s always helpful to test your gas mask in real world situations.

It seems that someone has misplaced their giant, plucked chicken in Pittsburgh

Hey, guys, ever hear of this technology called a ladder

Skeletor seems to have let himself go over the last four years.

Here’s hoping she said yes!

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